Examples of symbolic interaction

1 answer

1. The exchange of wedding rings during a marriage ceremony symbolizes the commitment and love between two individuals.

2. A handshake is a symbolic gesture of greeting and respect in many cultures.

3. A teacher giving a student a gold star for good behavior or academic achievement is a symbolic way of providing positive reinforcement.

4. Wearing a religious symbol, such as a cross necklace or a turban, can symbolize a person's faith and spiritual beliefs.

5. A police officer wearing a badge and uniform symbolizes authority and protection.

6. In sports, exchanging jerseys with an opponent after a game can symbolize mutual respect and sportsmanship.

7. A red traffic light symbolizes danger and signals drivers to stop their vehicles.

8. The waving of a white flag is a symbolic gesture of surrender or truce in times of conflict.

9. Holding hands with a loved one can symbolize unity, support, and affection.

10. A nod of approval or disapproval can symbolize agreement or disagreement in a conversation.