Examples of how gender based violence displayed In communitys

1 answer

1. Domestic violence: Abusive behavior, physical or emotional, between intimate partners or family members that often goes unchecked and unreported due to fear and shame within the community.

2. Sexual violence: Sexual assault, harassment, , or any other unwanted sexual contact/attention that instills fear and shame within especially girls and women.

3. Forced marriage: Young girls are coerced into marrying against their will and without their consent, often resulting in domestic violence or other forms of abuse.

4. Child Abuse: Abuse or maltreatment of children in the form of physical or sexual abuse, neglect, or exploitation which can have long-lasting effects on a child's health and well-being, and may lead to future victimization.

5. Human Trafficking: The forced recruitment, transport, and exploitation of individuals for labor, sex, or slavery, which affects women and children disproportionately.

6. Female Genital Mutilation: The cultural practice of intentionally altering or injuring female genital organs for non-medical reasons, which is common in certain communities and can result in harm, infections, and other serious complications.

7. Honor Killings: In some cultures, women are killed by members of their own family or community as punishment for "dishonoring" the family or community, often relating to issues such as marriage or sexuality.

These are just some examples, but gender-based violence can take many forms, all of which have serious impacts on individuals and communities.