Rating Scale for Learner Participation in Classroom
Criteria: Active Participation
4 - Exceeds Expectations: Actively engages in class discussions, asks insightful questions, offers unique perspectives, and consistently contributes to group activities.
3 - Meets Expectations: Participates in class discussions, asks questions, and contributes to group activities in a meaningful way.
2 - Approaching Expectations: Participates occasionally in class discussions, asks minimal questions, and hesitates to contribute to group activities.
1 - Below Expectations: Rarely participates in class discussions, does not ask questions, and avoids contributing to group activities.
Criteria: Preparation and Engagement
4 - Exceeds Expectations: Comes to class fully prepared, completes all assignments on time, actively participates in all activities, and demonstrates a deep understanding of the material.
3 - Meets Expectations: Comes to class prepared most of the time, completes assignments in a timely manner, engages in activities, and demonstrates a good understanding of the material.
2 - Approaching Expectations: Comes to class somewhat prepared, occasionally submits assignments late, participates sporadically in activities, and demonstrates a basic understanding of the material.
1 - Below Expectations: Comes to class unprepared, frequently misses assignments, shows disinterest in activities, and struggles to understand the material.
Criteria: Collaboration
4 - Exceeds Expectations: Works well with others, actively listens to their peers, offers constructive feedback, and fosters a positive and inclusive learning environment.
3 - Meets Expectations: Collaborates effectively with classmates, listens to their ideas, provides feedback when necessary, and contributes to a positive learning environment.
2 - Approaching Expectations: Works adequately with others, sometimes listens to their peers, offers minimal feedback, and may not actively contribute to a positive learning environment.
1 - Below Expectations: Struggles to collaborate with others, does not listen to their peers, rarely offers feedback, and may disrupt the learning environment.
Criteria: Attendance and Punctuality
4 - Exceeds Expectations: Never misses a class, arrives on time, and actively participates in all activities.
3 - Meets Expectations: Rarely misses a class, arrives on time most of the time, and participates in activities regularly.
2 - Approaching Expectations: Occasionally misses a class, arrives late sometimes, and participates inconsistently in activities.
1 - Below Expectations: Frequently misses class, arrives late often, and rarely participates in activities.
Example of rating scale for learner participation in classroom which includes criteria of assessment and description:four levels/indicators to assess each of the criteria
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