Please note that the following questionnaire is just an example. The actual questionnaire for a research study will vary depending on the specific research objectives and research questions.
1. Gender:
a. Male
b. Female
c. Prefer not to say
2. Age:
a. 18-24
b. 25-34
c. 35-44
d. 45-54
e. 55 and above
3. Occupation:
a. Student
b. Employed
c. Self-employed
d. Unemployed
e. Retired
f. Other (please specify): _____________
4. Educational Background:
a. High School or below
b. College or University (Bachelor's degree)
c. Postgraduate (Master's degree or higher)
5. How many years of work experience do you have?
6. Have you previously participated in any research studies?
a. Yes
b. No
7. How familiar are you with research methodology?
a. Not familiar at all
b. Somewhat familiar
c. Moderately familiar
d. Very familiar
8. On a scale of 1 to 5, please rate your understanding of research ethics (1 being low understanding and 5 being high understanding).
9. In your opinion, what are the benefits of conducting research studies?
10. Do you believe that research studies have limitations or challenges? Please elaborate.
11. Have you ever faced any challenges or difficulties while participating in a research study? If yes, please describe your experience.
12. How willing are you to participate in research studies in the future?
a. Very willing
b. Somewhat willing
c. Neutral
d. Somewhat unwilling
e. Not willing at all
13. What factors do you consider before deciding to participate in a research study?
14. On average, how much time are you willing to allocate for participating in a research study?
15. Would you like to receive the findings or results of the research study you participated in?
a. Yes, definitely
b. Yes, if it's relevant to me
c. No, I'm not interested
16. Do you have any suggestions or feedback for improving the research study participation experience?
Thank you for your time and participation in this questionnaire. Your responses will contribute to the success of our research study.
Example of questionnare of research methodology
1 answer