APA referencing style, 6th edition, is commonly used to cite sources in social sciences, education, and business disciplines. Here's an example of how to reference a journal article:
Author's Last name, Initials. (Year). Article title. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page number range. DOI/URL (if available)
Smith, J. R., & Johnson, L. M. (2019). The effects of online learning on student achievement. Journal of Educational Technology, 25(3), 123-145. doi:10.1080/12345678.2019.12345
In this example:
- The authors are Smith, J. R., and Johnson, L. M.
- The article was published in 2019.
- The title of the article is "The effects of online learning on student achievement."
- The journal name is Journal of Educational Technology.
- The volume number is 25, and the issue number is 3.
- The page range is 123-145.
- The article has a DOI, which is the unique identifier "doi:10.1080/12345678.2019.12345".
Remember, in APA referencing style, the author names are formatted as Last name, Initials (e.g., Smith, J. R.), and the journal name and article titles are in sentence case, while the journal name and volume number are italicized.
Example of apa referencing style, 6th edition
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