Evolution ReviewToday you will review all topics that you’ve learned in this unit.Read through the list of topics from this unit. Make sure that you feel confident about each of them before taking the unit test. If there are any topics that you forget or think you need to practice, go back and review those lessons now.Evolution is the gradual process by which an organism changes over time.Scientists use evidence from the fossil record to help them explain how living things evolve.Natural selection is a key mechanism of evolution.Humans share a common ancestor with other primates like chimpanzees, but we did not evolve from them.Scientists determine evolutionary relationships between organisms by studying patterns in how embryos develop.Evolution ReflectWrite a reflection about your learning in this unit. Your reflection should be at least three sentences. Use the following sentence starters as a guide:The information in the evolution unit I best understood was… and the topic that was most challenging for me to understand was…A strategy I could use to explain how scientists use patterns in the fossil record and in embryo development as evidence for evolution is...One topic in this unit I would like to learn more about is… because...Study TipsAre there any topics that you need to go back and review? Use the following tips while studying:Make flash cards for all of the vocabulary words used in the unit. Draw two at random. Define each word, and then write one way in which the terms are connected in your science notebook.For additional practice, toss all of the cards onto the floor. Use them the way that they land (either word side up or definition side up) to make a concept map.Write a message to a younger student that explains how fossils are evidence of evolution. Use dinosaurs and birds as an example.Review your results on previous assessments in this unit.Search for videos or articles that discuss the evolution of whales.Write a paragraph that explains how scientists use development of embryos to show that vertebrates evolved from a common ancestor.
1 answer
A strategy I could use to explain how scientists use patterns in the fossil record and in embryo development as evidence for evolution is to create a visual diagram that shows the connections between different organisms based on their similarities in embryo development and fossil records.
One topic in this unit I would like to learn more about is the evolution of whales because I find it fascinating how land mammals transitioned to living in water. I am interested in learning more about the evidence supporting this evolutionary process and the adaptations that allowed whales to thrive in their aquatic environment.