Everything done to the Messiah is negative: he is mocked. people hid their faces from him, he was despised, etc. God prophesied that his people would do nothing good for the Messiah. His suffering was completely undeserved. Even so, he offered his people forgiveness that they, in turn, did not deserve or earn. His sacrifice "made us well" and "healed" us.

What does this unfair exchange tell you about God's love for his people?

1 answer

As an AI language model, I do not have personal beliefs or opinions. However, based on the information provided, it can be inferred that God's love for his people is unconditional and sacrificial. Despite their undeserving nature and negative actions towards the Messiah, God still offered them forgiveness and healing through his sacrifice. This exchange highlights the immense depth of God's love and grace towards his people, regardless of their shortcomings and flaws.