These questions are asking for YOUR opinions and perceptions.
Do you believe certain attributes are universally attractive? When I was a freshman in high school I had a crush on a blond, brown-eyed boy -- and those were the most attractive attributes I could imagine -- then! But my ideals of beauty have changed a lot!
What physical attributes do you consider the most attractive? Would it make a difference whether your ancestors or many of your friends came from Scandinavia, Brazil, Kenya, Iraq, India, Italy, or China?
Do YOU believe one’s sense of beauty is intrinsic or learned? The most attractive student I ever taught proudly told us that his ancestors had come from Europe, Africa, and Asia. Although my ancestors came from England and Germany, after helping a friend adopt a Vietnamese son, I now find I'm especially attracted to Asian people.
Also think about the cultures in which very overweight women are considered the most attractive. Is this true in the U.S.? Or are there still differences in American perceptions of beauty and weight?
What influence do the media and one’s peers have on the concept of beauty? Does the media promote our ideals of slimness? Are movie stars our ideal physical representations of people? Or do you see many attractive people who could never be stars or models?
What other factors influence the perception of attraction? Why do some people like landscape scenes while other prefer modern art?
Rose -- it's up to you to think about this question and answer it with your own ideas, experiences, and perceptions.
I'll be glad to critique your answers. :-)
Everyone differs slightly in what they consider attractive or beautiful. Do you believe certain attributes are universally attractive? Do you believe one’s sense of beauty is intrinsic or learned? What influence do the media and one’s peers have on the concept of beauty? What other factors influence the perception of attraction?
Ms. Sue where can I go to find some materials to answer those questions. Please let me know. Thanks
5 answers
thanks Ms. sue,
I will send you my answers tomorrow night.
Thanks again
I will send you my answers tomorrow night.
Thanks again
Adoption of these guidelines remains optional for law enforcement agencies. Do you feel the enactment of these policies into law should remain an option?
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Attributes that are universally attractive (and look this up) are wider hips in women (child bearing) and faces with eyes further apart (prey, not pred). Also, symmetry plays a part, too. Look up the studies. Because of this answer, I would say intrinsic. The media plays a huge role in deciding who is attractive. Other influences include culture.
1 year ago
1 year ago