everyone answer pls

12. Is There An App That You Hate But Use Anyways?
When Scrolling Through Social Media, Do You Prefer Posts From Celebrities Or From Your Best Friends?
If You Had The World’s Attention For 30 Seconds, What Would You Say?
thxs for who answer these

9 answers

The app that I hate but use the most is google hangouts. I enjoy posts form my bff's because it helps me to just see what they are doing so we can catch up. if I had the worlds attention I would sing
The app I hate but use the most is YouTube; sure it gives me something to watch and do, but it causes so much drama. Not only that, but I hate seeing people I like to watch being sad because they aren't getting monetized, otherwise known as paid.

When I'm on my social medias, I prefer my friends' posts over celebrities' posts since there's a higher chance of my friends responding to my post than some big shot.

If I had the world's full attention, I would give it to someone else. I don't have anything I want to say myself, so I'd give it to someone else who had something worth saying.

Hope this helped!
I've never used any apps.
thxs ms sue for help XD
and Cardinary
But I think, Barry, you should be answering this question yourself. However, you have a perfect shot of a example.

Your friend, Sliverstream.
Every app on my phone and iPad is a program -- and every program on my Mac is an app! Are you concentrating on only social media junk? Or are you considering bank apps (to send my grandkids money!) or email apps (so I don't have to wait to get home to the Mac) or Kindle/Books apps (so I have something to read while in a waiting room) ... or what?

There's far more to life and apps than social media! And usually much more useful and interesting!!
I know Barry copied/pasted that question ... but who typed it ... with a capital letter on every, single word? How semi-literate of whoever that was!
You guys are hilarious! XD
12. Probably Snapchat if y'all are surprised, but I get spammed with notifications all of the time on Snapchat. I still use it, because all of my friends use it. I mostly prefer posts from my friends, because I know them better and I just think the posts from celebrities are stupid. For example, when a celebrity was getting Skittles from a gas station it was apparently soooo cool. If I had the world's attention for 30 seconds, I don't exactly know what I would say, but I guess I could say to everyone to give people more than one or two or three chances.
Aha! So you ARE referring only to the social media junk apps! I'm not surprised really since my grandkids do pretty much the same.

But do you ever use any apps on your phone (or whatever) for constructive purposes, such as the ones I mentioned above?