Everyday we work with numbers, absolute values, inequalities, and equations. Present an everyday action that you might do for each of the topics: numbers, absolute values, inequalities, and equations. Then comment on your classmate's chosen actions.
Let's take a look at Dakota's posts:
Underline StartsNumbers:Underline Ends Since I am a ballet dancer, I constantly count as I dance. Underline StartsAbsolute value:Underline Ends In dancing, I have to be equal distance from the center point on the stage, no matter if I move back or go forward. Inequality: I have to know how much time I have approximately everyday so I can get my practice and homework in everyday and still have time to read my favorite book. Underline StartsEquation:Underline Ends I have to calculate my working hours to make sure my paycheck is correct every time.
Create a real-life example of when you would use numbers, absolute values, inequalities, and equations in your life.
Positively comment on classmates statements and make a connection between their examples and your example.
1 answer
I can also relate to Dakota's use of absolute values. In driving, there are times when I need to make sure I have equal distance from the center lane, especially during lane changes or when merging onto a highway. Being aware of my position in relation to the center line helps me maintain safe driving practices.
Regarding inequalities, I encounter them when managing my finances. I need to know how much money I have left after paying bills and expenses to ensure I have enough for my daily needs and still save some for future plans. Just like Dakota, I have to strike a balance between different time commitments, such as work, household chores, and leisure activities, ensuring I have enough time for everything.
Lastly, equations come into play when calculating my monthly budget. I need to determine how much income I have, subtract expenses, and allocate money for different categories, such as groceries, rent, and entertainment. This ensures that I am financially responsible and can meet my financial goals.
Dakota's examples are relatable and showcase how numbers, absolute values, inequalities, and equations are relevant in our everyday lives. It's interesting to see the different ways these mathematical concepts intersect with our various activities and responsibilities.