Every year on the first day of Christmas my true love gives me one gift, a partridge in a pear tree. On the second day of Christmas my true love gives me a total of three gifts, two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree. This will go on until the twelfth day of Christmas when my true love gives me a total of 78 gifts given: 12 lords a-leaping, 11 ladies dancing, 10 pipers piping, 9 drummers drumming, 8 maids a-milking, 7 swans a-swimming, 6 geese a-laying, 5 golden rings, 4 calling birds, 3 French hens, 2 turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree. Today I’m at home “alone” with the gifts from my true love. Assuming each person, and each bird, has two legs what day of Christmas is it if there are now 200 legs in my home (not including mine)?

2 answers

the eight day
the 14th day