Every night when Samantha came home from work she put any change she had in her pockets into a jar. One day she wanted to know how much change she had in her jar. She noticed that she had two more nickels than twice the number of dimes, and eight fewer quarters than twice the number of nickels. If the value of the quarters was $1.60 more than four times the value of the nickels and dimes together, what was the total value of the change in Samantha's jar?

3 answers

plese help
just start writing down the facts as math.

n = 2d+2

eight fewer quarters than twice the number of nickels

q = 2n-8

value of the quarters was $1.60 more than four times the value of the nickels and dimes together

25q = 4(10d+5n)+160

Putting all that together, we have

n = 2d+2
q = 2n-8
25q = 4(10d+5n)+160

substituting in for q and n in the last equation, we have

25(2(2d+2)-8) = 4(10d+5(2d+2))+160

So, now you know how many dimes there are, and you can figure out the other coins.
I. Need help in math