every morning, students across town leave their homes an hour before school begins. Trame in the area surrounding our school has gotten so bad that it can take 20 minutes for a car to travel the last half of a mile to reach the school parking lot. Staggered start times would help alleviato this problem. If students were to arrive at school in waves, then this would greatly reduce the amount of time it takes for students to get to school. That extra half hour that would be saved would mean an endra half hour of sleep, study time, or time with family. Time spent on a bus or in a car is not as productive as time spent at home. The daily traffic jam hurts all of us in different ways. The environmental impact of cars and buses sitting immobile and emitting funes dangerous to the environment has to be considered. On days that are particularly bad, many parents are late to work. Students arrive to school feeling antsy because they have started their day cooped up in a stopped vehicle and are not as productive as they would be if their morning routine were more relaxed. Many people say that the solution is for more students to use public transportation, ride a bike, or walk to school. These options are not available to everyone. There are sidewalliks in the area immediately surrounding the school, but, if you travel more than a quarter of a mile away, the sidewalks disappear. Do we really want children riding bikes and walking in the heavy morning traffic? The closest bus stop is more than a mile away. This option is better for the environment, but it poses great safety risks. Staggered start times could alleviate some of the danger currently threatening pedestrians, and more students would likely walk or ride a bike to school if traffic were not so had
5 answers
Additionally, staggering the start times would allow students to have more time in the morning for sleep, studying, or spending time with their families. This extra half hour can make a significant difference in their overall well-being and productivity throughout the day.
Furthermore, the daily traffic jam has various negative effects on the community. The environmental impact of vehicles emitting harmful fumes while being immobile could be mitigated by reducing the number of cars on the road during peak hours. This would contribute to a cleaner and healthier environment for everyone.
Moreover, the traffic jam also affects parents who might be late to work due to the congestion. This not only creates stress for them but also has potential economic consequences. By implementing staggered start times, parents would have a smoother commute, reducing stress and improving overall productivity at work.
It is important to consider the safety of students as well. Currently, the lack of sidewalks in the area poses a risk for those who choose to walk or bike to school. By implementing staggered start times, there would be fewer vehicles on the road during peak hours, creating a safer environment for pedestrians.
While some may argue for increased use of public transportation, riding a bike, or walking to school as solutions, it is essential to acknowledge that these options might not be feasible for everyone. Limited availability of sidewalks and distant bus stops make these alternatives challenging. Therefore, implementing staggered start times would provide a more inclusive solution that benefits all students and addresses the current traffic issues more effectively.
In conclusion, the implementation of staggered start times for students could significantly alleviate the traffic congestion in the area surrounding the school. This change would result in multiple benefits, including increased productivity, improved well-being, reduced environmental impact, and enhanced safety for pedestrians.
not so bad. Which sentence should be included in a summary of important ideas in the conclusion for this essay? (1 point) A. Walking, riding a bike, and using public transportation are ways that students can help solve the traffic problem that plagues our town. B. Isn't it worth trying something new to solve this old problem? C. The current situation regarding traffic in the area surrounding our school in the morning is unacceptable and must be fixed. D. Staggering school start times would alleviate stress on students, their parents, and the environment