Since the rolls of the die are independent, they do not influence subsequent events.
Event A = 3/6 = .5
Event B = 4/6 = .67
Event A you roll the die and it's even
Event B you roll the die and it's less than 5
Roll the die once. What is the probability that Event A will occur given that Event B has alrady occured?
would it be 3/4 = .75 or 75% not sure need help
Roll the die once. what is the probability that Event B will ocurr given that Event A has already occured?
would this be 4/3 =1.33 I do not think this is right. I would appreciate it if someone could help me out on how you figure something like this out.
2 answers
Since the rolls of the die are independent, they do not influence subsequent events. If previous events occur by chance, they do not change the probability of whatever occurs next.
Event A = 3/6 = .5
Event B = 4/6 = .67
Event A = 3/6 = .5
Event B = 4/6 = .67