Evaluating design quick check?

5 answers

From which source is pomace derived?
-unused waste from food processing

Which use of pomace has become more available through new technologies?
-food flavorings

Criteria and constraints help guide decision-making as people work to extract useful materials from pomace. Which option is an example of how a criterion for success is applied in this situation?
-The criterion of minimizing chemical waste favors the use of high-temperature, high-pressure water.

Criteria and constraints help in deciding which methods to use when extracting useful chemicals from pomace. Which option is an example of an important constraint on a process?
-Organic solvents are expensive, which limits their use for extracting chemicals.

Which constraint is driving the interest in extracting useful chemicals from pomace?
-Pomace is available in greater quantities than needed for traditional uses and would be wasted.
@heyo is correct
How is pomace related to the apple and yogurt industries?
-Pomace is a waste material from apple juice production that can be added to yogurt to boost nutritional value.
heyo ❄ and Eh are correct depending on if your honors chemistry or not!
quizlet: captncrun

i often post study sets for honors chemistry