Governments have made efforts to support communities affected by gender-based violence by implementing policies and programs. For example, the United Kingdom (UK) government implemented the Domestic Abuse Bill which seeks to create a better justice system for survivors of domestic abuse and improve support for victims. The bill aimed to provide more protection to those who are vulnerable to violence and abuse and to ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice. The bill also proposed a new legal definition of domestic abuse that includes economic abuse and controlling behavior as well.
Community NGOs:
Community NGOs have shown a great deal of dedication and support for communities affected by gender-based violence. NGOs provide various services and programs such as crisis hotlines, counseling services, and emergency shelter. One example is the California-based non-profit organization A Window Between Worlds (AWBW) that provides an art-based healing program for survivors of domestic violence. This program uses art as a therapeutic tool to help survivors process their trauma and heal from the effects of abuse. This organization empowers women by giving them a voice and creating a platform for them to share their stories, heal, and inspire positive change in their communities.
Religious Organizations:
Religious organizations have also made strides to support communities affected by gender-based violence. For example, Faith Trust Institute is a Seattle-based religious organization that focuses on ending sexual and domestic violence within religious communities. This organization provides training, resources, and consultation services for religious leaders, faith communities, and organizations. In addition, they help institutions establish protocols for identifying and responding to domestic violence and abuse, providing support for survivors, and holding perpetrators accountable. This organization's work is valuable and significant as it addresses the cultural and religious norms that perpetuate gender-based violence in many societies, even if it does not specifically work with those most affected.
Evaluate to what extent the following institutions have supported communities affected by gender based violence? Use example for each answer.....governments,community NGOs and religious organization.
1 answer