evaluate how NAFTA, impacted the economic relationship among the US, Mexico, and Canada

1. NAFTA change the economic systems of the countries involved from one party state economies to free market economies.
2. NAFTA, reshape the economic relationship among the three countries and made them much more competitive enmeshed and interdependent.
3. NAFTA, made it easier for each country to enact economic policies that would benefit itself.
4. NAFTA has made it much more difficult for the three countries to trade with one another, which has led to economic growth overall.

1 answer

5. NAFTA resulted in an increase in trade among the three countries, leading to economic growth and job creation in all three nations.
6. NAFTA allowed for the integration of production processes across borders, creating supply chains that span North America.
7. NAFTA accelerated the globalization of businesses in North America, allowing for increased foreign direct investment and cross-border mergers and acquisitions.
8. NAFTA led to increased competition among businesses in the three countries, resulting in improved efficiency and productivity.
9. NAFTA caused some industries to decline in one country while growing in another, leading to shifts in employment and economic specialization.
10. NAFTA sparked debates and controversies regarding its impact on labor rights, environmental regulations, and income inequality within and among the three countries.