Compromising can have both positive and negative impacts on the effectiveness to resolve conflict.
Positive impacts:
1. Compromising can lead to a quick resolution of the conflict, as both parties are willing to give up some of their demands in order to reach a mutually acceptable solution.
2. It can help maintain and even improve relationships between the parties involved, as they are able to come to a mutually agreeable solution without escalating the conflict.
3. Compromising can lead to a more sustainable and long-lasting solution, as both parties are more likely to adhere to an agreement that they had a hand in creating.
Negative impacts:
1. Compromising can sometimes lead to a less than ideal resolution, as both parties may have to give up some of their important needs or interests in order to reach a compromise.
2. It can create a sense of resentment or dissatisfaction among the parties involved, as they may feel like they had to give up more than the other party.
3. Compromising may not address the underlying issues that caused the conflict in the first place, leading to recurring conflicts in the future.
In conclusion, compromising can be an effective strategy for resolving conflict, but it is important to consider the potential impacts it may have on the parties involved and the long-term sustainability of the resolution.
Evaluate how compromising can impact on the effectiveness to resolve conflict?
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