Estimate the change in energy when solid rubidium reacts with gaseous diatomic chlorine molecules. Express your answer in units of kJ/mole. Do not refer to the periodic table to solve this problem. The following data may be useful in your calculation:

Madelung Constant: 1.763
Born Exponent: 12
Heat of Vaporization of Rubidium: 75.77 kJ/mole
Ionization Energy of Rubidium: 4.177 eV
Covalent Radius of Rubidium: 2.16 Angstroms
Covalent Radius of Chlorine: 0.99 Angstroms
Electron Affinity of Chlorine: -349 kJ/mole
Dissociation Energy of Chlorine: 244 kJ/mole
Ionic Radius of Chlorine: 167 pm
Ionic Radius of Rubidium: 166 pm

10 answers

This is from an EdX exam, please do not answer it. By terms of the EdX honor code.
delta H = Ecryst+Evaporization+E(Rb, ionization)+Edissociation+Eaffinity
but this does not understand what I do, I appreciate the help
Just look at online reading #1. Its a Haber - Born cycle but instead of Na (sodium) they give you Rb. Hope that this help.
is the answer by using born haber cycle
amar chauhan
What do you have to use the covalent radius for?
This is really unfair if you post an edex question and just copy paste the answers. if you really need help, you can discuss the methods maybe. Don't post answers.
Follow the honor code.
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You are being warned not to cooperate during the examination, the punishment for such breaking the rule will be cancellation of the certificate for the whole students currently enrolled.
