Essay; show all work. Consider that the age, x, of a unicorn in human equivalent years can be given by the formula f(x) = - 0.011718x4 + 0.187326x3 – 1.3367x2 + 12.46x + 2.914. When a unicorn is 2.5 years old, what is its age in human equivalent years? What about when it is 12 years old?

2 answers

F(x) = Y.

(X,Y) = (2.5,28.2), (12,40.7).
Essay show all work. Consider that the age, x, of a unicorn in human equivalent years can be given by the formula f(x) = - 0.011718x4 + 0.187326x3 – 1.3367x2 + 12.46x + 2.914.When a unicorn is 2.5 years old, what is its age in human equivalent years? What about when it is 12 years old?