William Blake's poetry reflected the romantic sensibility through its focus on emotion, imagination, and the natural world. One theme of romantic sensibility that is evident in Blake's work is the celebration of individuality and nonconformity. In his poem "The Tyger," Blake explores the complexities of existence and the duality of nature, questioning the creation of such a powerful and fearsome creature. This reflects the romantic belief in the importance of embracing one's uniqueness and questioning societal norms.
Another characteristic of romantic sensibility present in Blake's poetry is the emphasis on the spiritual and supernatural. In "The Tyger," Blake alludes to the divine by questioning the creator of such a creature and marveling at its beauty and ferocity. This reflects the romantic fascination with the mysterious and the sublime, as well as the belief in the spiritual interconnectedness of all living beings.
Overall, Blake's poetry captures the essence of the romantic sensibility through its exploration of emotion, imagination, and the natural world, as well as its celebration of individuality and spirituality. In "The Tyger," Blake writes, "What immortal hand or eye, / Could frame thy fearful symmetry?" This quote exemplifies the theme of questioning the mysteries of existence and the divine, which is a central aspect of romantic sensibility.
espond in at least 5 sentences. The answer needs to be written in complete sentences. Include at least 1 quote from the William Blake Poem Selection to earn full credit and support your response.
How did Blake's poetry reflect the romantic sensibility? Discuss at least one theme or characteristic of romantic sensibility using examples from the selections to support your answer.
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