Ernest Hemingway is known for his distinctive writing style and his straightforward prose in which he uses simple words and few adjectives. Every word, sentence, phrase is what seems to be direct, but can have multiple meanings. His writing style gives the reader a chance to reflect on his/her own thoughts and opinions. His structure and his description of places allow the reader to imagine the actual place. Hemingway writes the story from Henry’s point of view and although the love he shares with Catherine is very important, Hemingway makes sure love is not the main topic of then novel. Readers read Hemingway’s work because of his ability to describe details such as the hotel room, hospital, rain, which often serves to

How can i rephrase the second sentence and how can i finish the last sentence?

For the last sentence, i want to say that the details introduce a mood to the reader, to make the reader feel they are actually there. how would i say that in a sentence?