Erin has four shirts (white, blue, red, black) and two pairs of pants (blue and black). She randomly chooses a shirt and a pair of pants. What is the probability that they are the same color? i'm so confused about probability. any advice?
6 answers
please help. this is on a workbook but if i answer this and send it to her saying what this is and what the probability is in this course then i'll pass math
If this makes the difference about whether you pass or not, you should answer it yourself. I'm not going to help you pass if you don't know how to do this problem.
If passing math depends on this ONE question, and you don't know how to answer this simple question, I don't think you should pass.
just as a hint, there are 4*2 possible ways to pick the outfit.
How many of those have matching colors?
How many of those have matching colors?
Reiny and Ms. Sue at least try to help -.- and it might be simple to YOU but it might not be simple to EVERYONE else -.- and also DA BENGALS RULE DA EARTH did not say he/she does not know how to do it there just confused so, If keeping your job all depended on this question i REALLY think you should be fired Mr. Sue. So please help students and others to pass :)
The answer 1/4