1. Reading and Literature
- Recognizing and reading sight words
- Phonics instruction and decoding words
- Reading simple sentences and short paragraphs
- Listening to and reading short stories
- Identifying characters, setting, and plot in stories
2. Writing
- Copying and writing letters of the alphabet
- Forming words and simple sentences
- Writing short paragraphs with a topic sentence and supporting details
- Using proper grammar and punctuation
- Spelling basic, high-frequency words
3. Speaking and Listening
- Participating in group discussions and conversations
- Following directions and listening to instructions
- Reciting poems and short passages aloud
- Asking and answering questions during class discussions
4. Vocabulary and Language Development
- Building vocabulary through word study and word recognition activities
- Learning about synonyms, antonyms, and homophones
- Understanding the meanings of common prefixes and suffixes
- Using context clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words
5. Phonological Awareness
- Identifying and producing rhyming words
- Segmenting and blending sounds in words
- Recognizing syllables in spoken words
- Discriminating between different phonemes
6. Literature and Reading Comprehension
- Identifying main ideas and supporting details in texts
- Making predictions about what will happen next in a story
- Retelling stories in their own words
- Making connections between texts and personal experiences
7. Informational Texts
- Reading and understanding informational texts about various topics
- Identifying key details and facts in informational texts
- Using text features such as headings, captions, and diagrams to aid in comprehension
- Summarizing information read in informational texts
8. Media Literacy
- Understanding different forms of media, such as books, websites, and videos
- Analyzing and evaluating media messages
- Discussing the impact of media on their lives
- Creating their own media messages, such as storyboards or simple videos
9. Independent Reading
- Engaging in independent reading activities to build fluency and comprehension
- Choosing books at an appropriate reading level
- Keeping a reading log or journal to track their reading progress
- Discussing their reading with peers or adults
10. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
- Using critical thinking skills to analyze and evaluate information
- Solving simple word problems and puzzles
- Making connections between different texts or concepts
- Using creativity and imagination to solve problems
11. Cultural Studies
- Exploring diverse cultures and traditions through literature and informational texts
- Learning about holidays and celebrations from different cultures
- Understanding and appreciating diversity in society
- Participating in activities that promote cultural awareness and sensitivity
12. Technology Integration
- Using technology tools such as computers, tablets, and educational apps to support learning
- Learning how to navigate and use digital resources for research and learning
- Practicing digital citizenship by being safe and responsible online
This syllabus is just a guideline and can be adjusted to meet the specific needs and interests of the students in the grade 1 classroom.
English syllabus for grade 1
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