My legal and ethical obligations would be to make her understood to report the medication error. I would make her realize the consequences of not reporting her error. By covering her action, I am doing the same as she did. In this scenario, the patient is “all right” that is what matters. It would more troubling if the nurse didn't report and became defensive about things afterwards.
Except for a couple of minor errors, this looks good.
english is not my firs language , i need help to correct this paragraph .
please.(only answer )
As the nurse being told this, what are your ethical and legal obligations regarding the medication error?
Answer .
My legal and ethical obligations would be to make her understood to report medication error. I would make her realize the consequences of not reporting her error. By covering her action, I am doing the same as she did. In this scenario, the patient is “all right” that is what matters. It would more troubling if she didn't report and became defensive about things afterwards.
1 answer