English 12 B
Writing a Research Paper
Writing a Research Paper Final
Editing, Proofreading, and Publishing
The Topic For This essay Is How does the idea of the monster / supernatural evolve throughout the time periods and works we’ve studied this year?
must have at least 5 reliable sources. Do NOT use Wikipedia, Britannica, Sparknotes, or sites like that. You can use them to get initial ideas, but we’re looking for sources that provide additional information to the topic, not summaries. Google is not a source.)
*This will become your Works Cited Page!
The paper is about one of the provided topics. There is a clear and arguable thesis. The topic and 3 main points are made clear in the introduction.
8 points
The research is organized into 3 main points, with at least 2 different sources for each main point.
8 points
All facts, statistics, and quotes are followed by an in-text citation in proper MLA format.
8 points
There is an MLA formatted works cited page.
8 points
1 answer
8 points
Total Points: 40