The cultural aspect I have chosen to research is the traditional music of Ireland. I will explore how traditional Irish music is deeply rooted in the country's history, its influence on Irish culture, and its revival in contemporary times. I used ChatGPT to write this essay.
Thesis Statement: Traditional Irish music serves as a powerful representation of Ireland's cultural heritage, playing a significant role in preserving the nation's history, influencing various aspects of Irish culture, and experiencing a resurgence in popularity in recent years.
Note: The provided thesis statement is a three-pronged thesis, which means there will be three main points discussed in the essay to support the thesis. The student will need to further develop these points with supporting evidence in the body of the essay.
English 10B Research Paper Assignment with Resources You need to select a country and a cultural aspect from the given lists for your research paper. You must have at least two valid and reliable sources for your paper. Remember to include the phrase "I used ChatGPT to write this essay" in your work. For your topic, you must choose a cultural aspect of a country we have studied in English 10 this year. (See the list below). Final Research Paper Requirements: - Length (2-3 pages) - MLA format - In-text citations - Works Cited page (minimum 2 sources) - Check My Work link required - Submitted as a .doc, .docx, .pdf, .rtf, or .odf Research Paper Rubric: - Ideas and thesis (6) - Organization: intro/body/conclusion/topic sentences (8) - Word Choice (5) - Grammar (4) - MLA Format & length of paper (8) - In-text Citations (10) - Works Cited page (5) - CheckMyWork (2) Please note that using artificial intelligence, such as Chat GPT, to write your essay is considered cheating. If your paper shows the use of AI, you and your caretaker will be required to meet with your English 10 teacher to discuss.
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Click here for the research paper calendar with resources
THEN, write your three-pronged thesis statement:
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