Eng 11 Port Langston Hughes “Why You Reckon?”

why does the stranger say he knows the narrator is hunger, too ?

What is the basic message of the "lecture" that the stranger gives white man on pg. 256?

How are the narrator and the white man alike?

Explain the slang in the title of this story, and discuss how the title is appropriate for the story.

1 answer

The stranger says he knows the narrator is hungry because he recognizes the look of hunger in the narrator's eyes. He can relate to the narrator's struggle and understands what it feels like to be hungry.

The basic message of the "lecture" that the stranger gives the white man on page 256 is about the existence of poverty and hunger among people of color. The stranger points out the hypocrisy of the white man's ignorance and lack of empathy towards the struggles faced by black people. He highlights the systemic inequality and racism that perpetuate poverty and hunger.

The narrator and the white man are alike in the sense that they both experience hunger and poverty. However, the white man's ignorance and lack of understanding towards the struggles faced by black people set them apart. They share the common ground of experiencing hardship, but their reactions and responses to it are different.

The slang in the title "Why You Reckon?" is colloquial and informal. "Reckon" is a regionalism primarily used in the southern United States, meaning "to think" or "to consider." The use of this slang in the title reflects the vernacular language and cultural context of the characters in the story. It adds authenticity and establishes the setting within which the story unfolds. Additionally, the title is appropriate for the story because it hints at the questioning and contemplation that occurs throughout the narrative, as the narrator and the stranger reflect on their shared experiences of hunger and poverty.