Employees who work for this company and are working for this company in this building should obey their supervisor and park their cars on the second level of the parking garage.
What is the most concise and accurate way to revise this sentence?
A Employees should park their cars.Employees should park their cars.
B Employees working in this building should park their cars on the second level of the parking garage.Employees working in this building should park their cars on the second level of the parking garage.
C Employees working on the second level should park their cars on the second level parking garage if you are an employee who works in this building.Employees working on the second level should park their cars on the second level parking garage if you are an employee who works in this building.
D Employees should obey their supervisor and park their cars on the second level of the parking garage if they wish to remain employed as an employee in this building.
27 answers
A somesome
B a fewa few
C sevenseven
D several
A antonyms.antonyms.
B homographs.homographs.
C homophones.homophones.
D synonyms.
Before you leave for school, make sure to pack your textbook for Mr. Henson's math test.
A make sure to packmake sure to pack
B to pack your textbookto pack your textbook
C for Mr. Henson's math testfor Mr. Henson's math test
D Before you leave for school
Judging from the dictionary definition of the word implore, which form of the word is misspelled?
A imploredimplored
B imploreinglyimploreingly
C imploresimplores
D imploring
While driving to school this morning, a deer ran across the road.
A deer
B driving
C road
D school
Statement 2: Driving is a dangerous nerve-wracking business!
Statement 3: Would you bring me a bright red apple?
Statement 4: Where are the slightly worn-out slippers?
Which statement(s) requires a comma between adjectives?
A Statement 1 only
B Statement 2 only
C Statement 3 only
D Statement 4 only
A Bonny wasn't able to finish the essay in the time allotted.
B Peter apologized on slamming the door in his girlfriend's face.
C Compared to other women, Ruth felt that she was a fine female specimen.
D Jessica felt that someone needed to protect her from the mobster's goons.
The trophy, which is on the shelf, is not mine.
Identify the adjective clause in the sentence.
A The trophy
B is not mine
C on the shelf
D which is on the shelf
Choose the selection in which the sentence is properly punctuated.
B The writer works rapidly when he feels inspired, but he suffers terrible periods of drought, when inspiration won't come.
C The writer works rapidly when he feels inspired, but he suffers terrible periods of drought when inspiration won't come.
D The writer works rapidly, when he feels inspired, but he suffers terrible periods of drought when inspiration won't come.
The two-story brick house at the corner has beautiful rose bushes.
A The two-story brick house
B at the corner
C the corner has
D has beautiful rose bushes
Which phrase in this sentence acts as an adverb?
A in silence
B as the announcer
C the winning teams
D the Science Olympiad team
A These tomatoes you bought look like squishy jiggly red rubber balls.
B The jury thought that the defendant had an honest, trustworthy face.
C My teacher said that my essay was sloppy illogical and barely coherent.
D If only we had a sharp tiny screwdriver to unscrew this flashlight battery case!
A He strolled down the driveway.
B He walked slowly down the driveway.
C He strolled down the long driveway.
D He walked slowly down the long driveway.