Emma's job could fall into the Engineering and Technology cluster, as she is utilizing her engineering skills to design robots that perform surgeries. Additionally, her job could also fall into the Health Science cluster, as she is working in the field of medicine by designing robots for surgical procedures.
Companies that might be interested in employing Emma and funding her work could include medical device companies, healthcare technology companies, and research institutions focused on advancing surgical robotics. These companies would see the value in Emma's expertise in biomedical engineering and her ability to create innovative solutions for intricate surgeries. Additionally, hospitals and healthcare systems may also be interested in partnering with Emma to implement her robotic surgery technologies in their facilities.
Emma is a biomedical engineer who designs robots that perform intricate surgeries. Into which two career clusters that we have considered so far could Emma’s job fall? Give a reason for your choices. Then explain what type of companies might be interested in employing Emma and funding her work.
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