Short term effects:
- Lover: Eliza may experience increased feelings of euphoria and intimacy with others while under the influence of ecstasy. However, this can lead to risky sexual behaviors and potential relationship issues.
- Liver: Ecstasy use can put strain on the liver as it metabolizes the drug and can lead to acute hepatitis or liver damage in the short term.
Long term effects:
- Lover: Eliza may develop emotional and mental health issues over time, such as depression, anxiety, and difficulty forming healthy relationships as a result of prolonged ecstasy use.
- Liver: Long-term use of ecstasy can lead to chronic liver diseases such as cirrhosis, which can be irreversible and life-threatening in severe cases.
Eliza began going to parties when she was 17 years old and was introduced to ecstasy by one of her friends at the time. After this first time using the drug, Eliza went on to continue taking ecstasy regularly for the next 2 years.
Using your knowledge attained in class of the '4 L's Model', List and Explain one (1) short & one (1) long term effect Eliza may experience because of her drug use in each of the four categories.
The 4'Ls are :
1 answer