3 candles --> 5 years old
6 candles --> 10 years old
9 candles --> 15 years old
Eli's Dad made him a birthday cake, but forgot to buy candles. He could only find a few. But Eli was smart in math, so his Dad said,"The ratio of candles to years is 3 to 5." That gave him the right number. How old was Eli?
2 answers
The question mean if he has 3 candles, that mean Eli's age is 5 years old. but this question suppose to has picture of cake with the number of how many candles Eli's dad has, so if dad has 3 candles, that mean Eli's age is 5 years old. if dad has 6 candles, tha mean Eli's age is 10 years old. if dad has 9 candles, Eli's age is 15 years old.so you have to double the 2nd number with the same number you doubled with the first number.