Elements for Discussion:
1. Clarity of Purpose: Clearly define the objective of the discussion to ensure all participants are on the same page.
2. Active Listening: Encourage participants to actively listen to each other and demonstrate understanding through paraphrasing or summarizing.
3. Respectful Communication: Set ground rules for respectful communication to create a safe and inclusive environment where all opinions are valued.
4. Open-mindedness: Encourage participants to approach the discussion with an open mind and be willing to consider different perspectives.
5. Building on Ideas: Encourage participants to build on each other's ideas and avoid dismissing or criticizing opinions.
6. Time Management: Allocate sufficient time for discussion topics and establish time limits for each point to ensure a productive discussion.
7. Recap and Summarize: Summarize key points and decisions made at the end of the discussion to ensure everyone is clear on the outcomes.
Questioning Techniques:
1. Open-ended Questions: Ask questions that require more than a simple "yes" or "no" answer to encourage participants to share their thoughts and ideas.
2. Probing Questions: Ask follow-up questions to explore a topic in more depth and elicit further information or clarification.
3. Reflective Questions: Ask questions that require participants to reflect on their own experiences or perspectives, promoting self-awareness and critical thinking.
4. Clarifying Questions: Ask questions to seek clarification or further explanation when a participant's statement is unclear or ambiguous.
5. Hypothetical Questions: Pose hypothetical scenarios to encourage participants to consider alternative viewpoints or potential outcomes.
6. Thought-provoking Questions: Ask questions that challenge participants' assumptions or provoke deeper thinking about a topic.
7. Summarizing Questions: Summarize a discussion point or a participant's viewpoint to ensure understanding and provide an opportunity for correction or clarification.
Elements for Discussion and questioning techniques
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