Coulombs = amperes x seconds
Convert 48 hr to seconds and that x 7500.
That number is close to 173,000 but you should get a better number and that x 7500 = about 1.3E9 C.
96,485 coulombs will plate out 40/2 = 20 g Ca.
So you should be able to plate
20 x 1.3E9/96,485 = g Ca at 100% efficiency. That x 0.68 corrects for not being 100%.
2. Look in the tables and find voltage for Cl and voltage for Ca. The larger is the one you want(ignore the sign).
Elemental calcium is produced by the electrolysis of molten CaCl2.
a) What mass of calcium can be produced by this process if a current of 7.5 * 10^3 A is applied for 48h? Assume that the electrolytic cell is 68% efficient.
b) What is he minimum voltage needed to cause the electrolysis?
6 answers
i take F =6500 HENCE ANSWER=152.207KG