Electronic medical records have been becoming increasingly common in the health care industry. As a result, the issues that surround the confidentiality of a patient’s medical record have come into question. Identify and discuss the major law that governs patient privacy and discuss how it can affect an electronic medical record.

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Download UB04.
CMS1450 also known as UB04 (fka UB92) is the primary form associated with hospital in-patient coding/billing. Whether hard copy or electronic in nature the requirements for completion are the same regarding CPT/HCPCS codes and ICD-9 diagnosis codes.

Download CMS1500.
CMS1500 (fka HCFA1500) is the primary form associated with out-patient coding/billing. Again, whether hard copy or electronic in nature the requirements for completion are the same regarding CPT/HCPCS codes and ICD-9 diagnosis codes.

2 answers

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Have you EVER read HIPAA? Try reading it, if you are a Penn Foster student it should be in one of your very first books; maybe Law And ethics?