elaborate the fallowing with the same words but in first person

A Cuban person may be less likely to commit plagiarism due to a strong cultural emphasis on academic integrity and traditional study habits. In Cuba, education is highly valued, and students are often taught the importance of originality and ethical scholarship from a young age. These old-school study habits encourage thorough understanding and personal engagement with material rather than simply copying others' work. Additionally, the challenges faced in accessing resources may foster creativity and innovation in expressing ideas, making originality a necessary part of the learning process. Overall, this cultural context promotes a respect for intellectual property and a commitment to honest academic work.

1 answer

As a Cuban person, I may be less likely to commit plagiarism due to the strong cultural emphasis on academic integrity and traditional study habits that I have been exposed to. In Cuba, I have learned to value education immensely, and from a young age, I was taught the importance of originality and ethical scholarship. These old-school study habits have encouraged me to seek a thorough understanding and to engage personally with the material, rather than simply copying others' work. Additionally, the challenges I face in accessing resources have fostered my creativity and innovation in expressing my ideas, making originality a necessary part of my learning process. Overall, this cultural context has instilled in me a respect for intellectual property and a commitment to honest academic work.