Survey Questions:
1. What career do you plan to pursue in the future?
2. How do you plan to achieve your career goals?
3. Do you want to continue your education after high school? If so, what do you want to study?
4. Where do you see yourself living in the future?
5. What do you hope to accomplish in the next five years?
Summary of Results:
- 50% of respondents said they plan to pursue a career in the medical field, while 30% are interested in pursuing a career in technology, and 20% in the arts.
- 70% of respondents said they plan to attend college or university to achieve their career goals, while 30% plan to enter the workforce directly after high school.
- 40% of respondents want to study engineering, 30% want to study business, and 30% want to study psychology or sociology.
- 60% of respondents see themselves living in a big city in the future, while 20% want to live in a rural area, and 20% want to live abroad.
- 80% of respondents hope to start their own business or achieve a leadership position in their field within the next five years, while 20% hope to travel and experience different cultures.
Graphic Presentation of Results:
Career Goals:
- Medical Field: 50%
- Technology: 30%
- Arts: 20%
Education Plans:
- College/University: 70%
- Workforce: 30%
Future Living Location:
- Big City: 60%
- Rural Area: 20%
- Abroad: 20%
Hopes for Next Five Years:
- Start Own Business/Leadership: 80%
- Travel/Experience Different Cultures: 20%
Surprising/Unexpected Answers:
- One respondent wants to become a professional athlete instead of pursuing a traditional career.
- Another respondent plans to volunteer and travel for the next five years before settling into a career.
Future-Tense Verbs and Expressions:
- I will pursue a career in...
- I plan to attend college to...
- In the next five years, I hope to...
Vocabulary/Expressions Related to Professions:
- Doctor
- Engineer
- Business Owner
- Artist
- Athlete
- Scientist
- Entrepreneur
El futuro Use the survey questions you wrote in the review activity. Ask your friends or other young people the questions you wrote about their plans for the future. When you have collected all of your data, create a presentation of your results. Your presentation should include the following: • the purpose of your survey • a summary of your results • a graphic presentation of your results • examples of surprising or unexpected answers • future-tense verbs and expressions • vocabulary and expressions related to professions
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