Good Habits for School
- Llegar a tiempo (Arriving on time) - Being punctual sets a positive tone for the day and shows respect for your teachers and classmates.
- Prestar atención (Paying attention) - Actively listening in class helps you understand the material better and improves retention.
- Estudiar regularmente (Studying regularly) - Consistent study habits reinforce learning and prepare you for tests and quizzes.
- Hacer la tarea a tiempo (Completing assignments on time) - Timely completion of homework fosters responsibility and helps reinforce learned concepts.
- Respetar a los compañeros y maestros (Respecting classmates and teachers) - A respectful attitude enhances the learning environment and promotes positive relationships.
Bad Habits for School
- Llegar tarde (Arriving late) - Being frequently late disrupts your learning and can annoy teachers and classmates.
- No prestar atención (Not paying attention) - Distracting yourself or others during class can hinder your understanding and participation.
- Prohibir el uso del teléfono en clase (Using your phone in class) - Texting or using social media during lessons is disrespectful and distracts from learning.
- No hacer la tarea (Not doing homework) - Skipping assignments can lead to a lack of understanding and lower grades.
- Hablar durante la instrucción (Talking during instruction) - Interrupting the teacher or classmates can disrupt the flow of the lesson and demonstrate a lack of respect.