Effectiveness and ineffectiveness of traffic fines to reduce road accidents
34 answers
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The effectiveness and ineffectiveness of the speed humps government initiative to reduce road accidents
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Effective and ineffective of traffic fines
Effectiveness and ineffectiveness of Traffic fines,speed humps,scholar patrol,Arrive alive campaign to reduce road accidents in the country
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Effectiveness and ineffectiveness of traffic fines ,scholar patrol,speed humps,arrive alive compaign
answers please
Answes please
Guyz can u plz help me
Where do I get the answer vele😓
Where do I get the answer vele😓
Guys please help me,its urgent i need answers.
It helps teach the community about the safety
Answer booo
The effectiveness of traffic fines
i want Answers plz
Can I get the answers plz
Answers plz ,I need them now
I want answers plz
It reduce accident
Guyz answers plz
Answers gyz plc
Guys plz just help me I knw u kwn this bt you're selfish
I want question relating to effectiveness and ineffectiveness of traffic fines to reduce road accidents
I Think this question needs our brains,i mean we are here wasting data instead of brainstorming it come on guys we can do better
Answers plz
May I please get answers
Answer pls
I think it reduces accidents, speed bumps and scholar patrol
So there's no answer?!
Iffectiveness and ineffectiveness of traffic fines
Im confused i can get the answer correctly 😏
I think I know the answer 😂