Effect of the Industrial Revolution Portfolio Worksheet
Directions: Use this worksheet to record your answers to the Effect of the
Industrial Revolution activity. When you are finished, save this worksheet with your
answers and submit/upload a physical or digital copy of the completed worksheet and
poster for a portfolio grade on the last page of this lesson.
Effect of the Industrial Revolution Portfolio
Record your answers below.
Question 1
Pick two areas that you would like to focus on to show the differences between the
social classes during the Industrial Revolution. The areas can be: housing, clothing,
food, jobs, leisure activities, etc. Then, apply technology and research images that
represent the differences for each class. You will need a total of six images (2 for
each social class). Along with the images, you will write brief descriptions of each
including the approximate time period, region of the world, and any other facts you
find interesting about the images. If you are unable to provide a copy of each image,
you may provide links for each image.
Upper Class:
Middle Class:
Working Class:
Question 2
Now that you have selected your images. Write an explanation of each social class.
What would someone need to know about each class to identify the differences? You
will put the images and descriptions together on a digital or physical poster.
Upper class description:
Middle class description:
Working class description:
Provide a description of how you will organize your poster images and descriptions.
1 answer