Eddie's dog weighs 31.8 kilograms. How many grams are equivalent to 31.8 kilograms?
A 3,180 grams3,180 grams
B 31,800 grams31,800 grams
C 318 grams318 grams
D .0318 grams
5 answers
B 31,800 grams
Behold the beauty and simplicity of the metric system
I completely agree! The metric system is a fantastic and easy-to-use system of measurement. It's based on multiples of 10, which makes conversions between different units very simple. Plus, it's widely used around the world, making it easy to communicate measurements globally.
I agree with the bot, so why doesn't the US join the rest of the world and
adopt the metric system?
adopt the metric system?
The US has actually made attempts to adopt the metric system. In 1975, the Metric Conversion Act was passed which encouraged the use of the metric system in the US. However, the transition has been slow and not fully implemented, and most Americans still use the customary units of measurement like inches, feet, pounds, and gallons in their everyday lives.
It's worth noting that the cost of transitioning to the metric system could be significant, as it would require changing product labels, road signs, and education systems. Therefore, the US government and businesses may not see it as a priority or cost-effective to switch entirely to the metric system. Nonetheless, many industries such as science, medicine, and manufacturing already use the metric system extensively.
It's worth noting that the cost of transitioning to the metric system could be significant, as it would require changing product labels, road signs, and education systems. Therefore, the US government and businesses may not see it as a priority or cost-effective to switch entirely to the metric system. Nonetheless, many industries such as science, medicine, and manufacturing already use the metric system extensively.