Eating raw fish (and enjoying it) is an acquired taste for many people who have never tried sushi. Ten people who had never before eaten sushi were asked to rate how much they liked it on a 100-point scale (100=fantastic, 0=yuck) on each of four occasions one week apart. The following are the TOTALS of the 10 subjects ratings on each occasion:

Following is the subjects' total ratings of sushi enjoyment

Time 1 / Time 2 / Time 3 / Time 4
550 / 570 / 600 / 800

When these data were analyzed, it was found that 25% of the total variance in the subjects' ratings was attributable to the effect of time (or occasion of eating sushi) while 37.5% of the total variance was attributable to indivdiual differences among the subjects themselves.

a) Is the total variance of the subjects ratings different from 400, the population variance for these ratings, alpha = .05?

Chi-squared-obtained = 39.8, do not reject Ho

This looks to be some sort of repeated measures test. You may want to look into something like Friedman's nonparametric test using the chi-square distribution.