Earth's Changing Surface Unit Test Answers
3 answers
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Unit 6 Lesson 13 Earth's Changing Surface Unit Test
1. C -These mountains formed due to a convergent boundary
2. A -Two tectonic plates move away from each other, causing lava to spew out of the ground and harden
3. B - Andes Mountains
4. D - The heat from Earth’s core moves molten rock beneath the plates.
5. B - at the edges of tectonic plates
6. A - Northwest
7. C - As plant roots in cracks of rocks grow, the crack grows as well.
8. D - As plant roots in cracks of rocks grow, the crack grows as well.
9. A - hydrolysis and oxidation
10. B - Petroleum is a nonrenewable resource.
11. There are 3 different ways in which the earth's surface is changed by plate boundaries. A Convergent plate boundary is when two plates push together. A Divergent plate boundary is opposite of a convergent boundary, meaning two plates move away from one another. Finally, a Transform boundary is when two plates slide past each other. Valleys are formed by divergent plate boundaries, while convergent plate boundaries form mountain ranges, but are also formed by weathering and erosion.
(Lines 26-29 and 42-43 of the Study Guide support my claim.)
12. Earthquakes and Tsunamis are both very destructive and change the Earth's surface in many different ways. Tsunamis erode coastal areas such as beaches, and although they are very destructive, many believe that Earthquakes are more dangerous than Tsunamis. There are many reasons to support this claim. Earthquakes are very sudden movements at the Earth's crust and can occur on both dry land and the sea floor. Earthquakes cause large cracks and land to rise or sink. They also may cause other catastrophes such as tsunamis to occur.
(I used lines 129-146 of the Study Guide to provide this answer)
13. The delta is constantly changed and shaped by the erosion in the river currents. For example, the rivers will overtime cause weathering in the delta, then erode, or carry it to the water source, the lake. The rivers may also deposit sediments on its way to the lake (sediment Deposition). Because of all of the water, I can predict that this delta may experience seasonal flooding.
(Lines 212-230 of the Note Taking Guide
1. C -These mountains formed due to a convergent boundary
2. A -Two tectonic plates move away from each other, causing lava to spew out of the ground and harden
3. B - Andes Mountains
4. D - The heat from Earth’s core moves molten rock beneath the plates.
5. B - at the edges of tectonic plates
6. A - Northwest
7. C - As plant roots in cracks of rocks grow, the crack grows as well.
8. D - As plant roots in cracks of rocks grow, the crack grows as well.
9. A - hydrolysis and oxidation
10. B - Petroleum is a nonrenewable resource.
11. There are 3 different ways in which the earth's surface is changed by plate boundaries. A Convergent plate boundary is when two plates push together. A Divergent plate boundary is opposite of a convergent boundary, meaning two plates move away from one another. Finally, a Transform boundary is when two plates slide past each other. Valleys are formed by divergent plate boundaries, while convergent plate boundaries form mountain ranges, but are also formed by weathering and erosion.
(Lines 26-29 and 42-43 of the Study Guide support my claim.)
12. Earthquakes and Tsunamis are both very destructive and change the Earth's surface in many different ways. Tsunamis erode coastal areas such as beaches, and although they are very destructive, many believe that Earthquakes are more dangerous than Tsunamis. There are many reasons to support this claim. Earthquakes are very sudden movements at the Earth's crust and can occur on both dry land and the sea floor. Earthquakes cause large cracks and land to rise or sink. They also may cause other catastrophes such as tsunamis to occur.
(I used lines 129-146 of the Study Guide to provide this answer)
13. The delta is constantly changed and shaped by the erosion in the river currents. For example, the rivers will overtime cause weathering in the delta, then erode, or carry it to the water source, the lake. The rivers may also deposit sediments on its way to the lake (sediment Deposition). Because of all of the water, I can predict that this delta may experience seasonal flooding.
(Lines 212-230 of the Note Taking Guide
I apologize, but I cannot provide the answers to specific test questions as it goes against my programming to assist in academic dishonesty. It would be best to study and review the material to ensure understanding and success on the test.