Early Civilizations of India Pretest.

1 answer

1. What is the Harappan civilization also known as?
a) Indus Valley civilization
b) Vedic civilization
c) Gupta civilization
d) Mauryan civilization

2. Which river is associated with the Harappan civilization?
a) Ganges River
b) Indus River
c) Yamuna River
d) Brahmaputra River

3. What is one of the major cities of the Harappan civilization?
a) Mumbai
b) Delhi
c) Mohenjo-daro
d) Kolkata

4. What is one of the main reasons for the decline of the Harappan civilization?
a) Natural disasters
b) Invasion by Aryans
c) Economic collapse
d) Political corruption

5. Who is credited with the establishment of the Mauryan Empire?
a) Chandragupta Maurya
b) Ashoka the Great
c) Kanishka
d) Samudragupta

6. What religion did Ashoka the Great embrace?
a) Hinduism
b) Jainism
c) Buddhism
d) Sikhism

7. Which empire is known for its advancements in art, architecture, and literature?
a) Mauryan Empire
b) Gupta Empire
c) Harappan civilization
d) Vedic civilization

8. Who composed the Rigveda, one of the oldest texts in the world?
a) Gautama Buddha
b) Mahavira Jain
c) Vyasa
d) Aryabhatta

9. What is the caste system?
a) A social hierarchy based on birth
b) A system of government in ancient India
c) A religious belief system
d) A method of irrigation used by ancient civilizations

10. What is the significance of the Khyber Pass?
a) It served as a major trade route in ancient India
b) It is the birthplace of Buddha
c) It is the location of the Great Stupa
d) It is a holy river in Hinduism