Early Americas and European Settlement Unit Test Study Guide
Directions: Copy and paste the questions below into your own document so that you can fill in the answers to prepare for the test.
What area is home for the native Sioux people?
The Aztec people built __________ and canals to adapt to their environment, because they needed an easier way to transport over the swampy land they inhabited. (Resource-Ducksters.
One theory suggests that Paleo-Americans sailed close to the shore so that they could easily float back to land for needs like _____ and _____.
Native Americans changed the world by teaching settlers how to ____________________, which could then be traded to other nations.
What are two major reasons that Spain wanted Christopher Columbus to sail the deep blue sea? Hint: It was not to find the Americas
True or False: The Spanish colonists thought they were superior to the Native Americans.
What is the main reason Spain began to settle in the Southern regions?
Two major reasons Jamestown colonists from England struggled to survive is because __________________________ and _______________________________.
Define The Mayflower Compact-
Roger Williams established the Rhode Island colony because he believed that Massachusetts was intolerant of ________.
Why did Thomas Hooker settle Hartford?
Compare and contrast the economies of the New England colonies and the Middle Colonies.
In the Middle Colonies, the colonists primarily survived by working as ___________________.
What was everyday life like in the backcountry?
Compare and contrast the Northern and Southern Carolina settlements.
Define the Act of Toleration.
Compare and contrast the Middle Colonies and the New England Colonies. How were their relations with native peoples? Did people settle there for religious preferences?
Compare indentured servants to slaves.
In what ways did the colonies begin to practice self-governance?
Define the House of Burgesses.
SHORT ANSWER TIPS: Explain why the Mayflower Compact was so important to early Pilgrim self-governance. Why was the Mayflower Compact so important to the Pilgrims? What ideas for government did the Mayflower Compact establish?
***I know this is alot but I really need help with this study guide and i'm not cheating it's a study guide not a test PLEASE someone take one for the team even if you just have a few answers***
4 answers
Early Americas and European Settlement Unit Test
1. the Central plains of North America
2. It was the first instance of limited self-governnment in the English colonies
3. a system of causeways
4. Puritans held town meetings to discuss important
Colonists elected government reps
5. pull ahore to get supplies of food and water
6. Indentured servants agreed to work for no money in
exchange for land and tools...
7. To work together and defend each other to keep peace
8. Both had mostly good relationships with Native
Both had some groups that settled for religious reasons
9. They taught settlers how to grow crops that were traded
with other countries.
10, The Southern Colonies greatest export was tobacco
11. He went in search of an easier route to Asia
Span wanted to control the spice trade.
12. To safegaurd freedom of worship to Catholics who founded Maryland.
13. Europeans introduced manioc to Africa after enchountering it in America
14.The Southern settlement grew rich on rice while poorer farmers in the North grew tobacco
15. disease
16. Farms were small and farmers were self-sufficient, making and growing enough to support their families
17. Spanish colonists felt that they were superior to Native Americans.
18. Colonists generally treated Native Americans with respect.
19. finding wealth
20. The middle colonies
21. The location of the colony made life difficult for the
The settlers believed that farming was beneath them...
22. Religous beliefs affected the type and amount of work people could do.
23. setting up a protected colony
24. He settled the town of Hartford and established...
25. The English mostly came for religous reasons while many immigrants settled in New Netherland to gain wealth in the booming fur trade.
26. Roger Williams believed in religious tolerance which wasn't practiced n Massachusetts.
27. settlers relied on water routes for transportation
28. a formal agreement by the Pilgrims to abide by "just and equal laws" drafted by leaders of their own choosing.
29. Essay:
Key points to cover: religious freedom, escaping religious persecution, moving away from monarchs, electing leaders, making laws.
ehhh is this right?