ead "The Mystery of the Stolen Wallet" ("The Mystery of the Stolen Wallet", from Illuminate) and then answer the question that follows.

The Mystery of the Stolen Wallet

Sam was thrilled when his father gave him an old wallet that had belonged to his grandfather, and he was even happier when he found a crisp $20 bill tucked inside the wallet’s sleek folds. Sam’s dad raised an eyebrow and said, “How about that: I guess your grandfather left you a present.”

The next day, Sam anticipated a hectic schedule but also hoped that his best friend, Amir, would join him for pizza after school. After an algebra test, a biology lab, and his weekly clarinet lesson, Sam shuffled out of the front door of the school and found Amir waiting at the bottom of the steps. “Hey buddy,” he shouted, “want to escape this heat and grab some pizza? I’ve got a twenty dollar bill that’s burning a hole in my pocket!”

Amir looked puzzled, so Sam explained, “That just means that I received some cash for my birthday, and now I can’t wait to spend it.” As Sam reached into his back pocket, his smile quickly evolved into a frown: his pocket was empty.

Sam knelt on the sidewalk and tore through the compartments of his backpack, but his wallet was not in it. “I can’t believe that someone stole my wallet,” he growled.

“Are you absolutely sure that you carried this wallet with you today?” Amir asked timidly as he helped Sam stuff his gym clothes back into his backpack.

“Of course I’m sure,” Sam snapped. “Do you think I’m an idiot?”

“No, you are not an idiot and neither am I,” Amir replied defensively. “We'll solve this mystery of the stolen wallet so we can eat pizza where the air is cool.” Despite being amused by Amir’s words, Sa

1 answer

m couldn’t help but feel frustrated and worried about his missing wallet. He retraced his steps from the day, trying to remember where he could have lost it. As they walked back towards the school, Sam spotted something glinting in the sunlight on the ground. It was his wallet, laying open with the twenty dollar bill missing.

Amir picked up the wallet and examined it closely. “Looks like someone took the money and left the wallet behind,” he observed.

Sam’s heart sank. Not only had he lost his birthday cash, but someone had taken it from him. He felt violated and angry. He clenched his fists, determined to find out who had stolen from him.

As they made their way to the pizza place, Sam couldn’t stop thinking about the stolen money. He felt betrayed and hurt. But he also felt grateful for having a friend like Amir by his side, helping him through this difficult situation.

When they arrived at the pizza place, Sam’s mood improved. The smell of freshly baked pizza filled the air, and he realized that losing twenty dollars wasn’t the end of the world. He still had his friends, his family, and a wallet that held sentimental value.

As they sat down to eat, Sam decided to let go of the anger and frustration. He knew that material things could always be replaced, but true friendship was irreplaceable. And with that thought in mind, he enjoyed his pizza with a smile on his face, grateful for the people who mattered most in his life.