Each exterior angle of a regular polygon is 15 degrees.

How many sides does the polygon have?
and What is the sum of the interior angles?

Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under the key words "polygon angles" to get these possible sources:

(Broken Link Removed)
(Broken Link Removed)

Adding "exterior" to the key words gave me these sources:

(Broken Link Removed)

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

the sum of the exterior angles of a polygon is always 360º

If each of the exterior angles is 15º, there must have been 360/15 or 24 sides.

The sum of the INTERIOR angles is n(180-2)º, where n is the number of sides

so you have a sum of 180(24-2) = 3960º

thanks! awesome help

thanks for the info, i checked out the sites and got the same information that the other person gave to me hehe.