(E)Essential and (NON)nonessential clauses
check if these are right. do any sentence need commas? thx
1. the explorers whom i most admire are astronauts. (E)
2. one man who made space travel possible was Robert.(E)
3.goddard who tested many rockets helped develop liquid fuel. (E)
4. space which is very dangerous began with uncrewed spacecraft. (NON)
5.the soviet union was the first satellite which they called suptnik. (NON)
6. the US whose first satellite was called explorer I followed the soviet union 4 months later.(E)
7. yuri who was the soviet union's first traveled into space. (E)
8. alan shepard became the american astronaut orbited earth once.(E)
9. one event that really captured americans' attention was the space walk of edward white. (E)
10. White who had so much fun on the walk was finally ordered back into the spacecraft by mission control. (E)
11. the apollo program which we studied this year was the american moon landing project. (NON)
1 answer
#s 6 and 8 don't make any sense.
Non-essential clauses need two commas each (unless the clause comes at the end of the sentence). See #4 in the linked webpage below: