during2004 the national average gas price rose from $1.50 a gallon to $2.25 a gallon. the government has stated that the high price of gas will remain as it is. discuss how this cost influences your decision to buy a new car. based on your budget, would you buy the large car that gets 7 mile per gallon or the car that gets 25 miles per gallon?"
In my case, it influenced my decision to buy a 2007 Toyota Prius, which gets about 50 miles per gallon. I have not rdegretted the decision.
You should be able to answer the secind question. it is a nobrainer.
Think of it this way. If you drive 10,000 miles a year, you'll need about 1430 gallons of gas in the car that gets 7 miles per gallon. You'll spend about $3200 a year for gas.
If you buy the car that gets 25 miles per gallon, you'll buy about 400 gallons and spend about $900 a year for gas.
What is your decision? $900 v. $3200 a year for gas?
I made my decision years ago and drive a car that gets about 35 miles per gallon.