During the late 1400s through the early 1600s, European countries such as Spain, France, and England embarked on journeys to colonize the Americas. The Spanish settled primarily in Mexico and Peru, where they developed their economies through mining for gold and silver. One specific example of Spanish economic development is the establishment of the encomienda system, which allowed Spanish colonists to extract labor and tribute from Indigenous populations. The French settled mostly in Canada and the Mississippi River Valley. They focused their economy on fur trading. They were able to establish alliances with Native American tribes, which helped build a network of trade that maintained control over their territories. Finally, the English settled along the Atlantic coast. They developed economies based on the geographics of the area. For example, the Northern colonies relied on fishing, shipbuilding, and trade, whereas the Southern colonies developed plantations relying on cash crops like tobacco and rice. Overall, the late 1400s through the early 1600s marked a time of exploration and early settlement for European countries in the Americas, and each country developed their economies in unique ways.
During the late 1400s through the early 1600s, European countries such as Spain,France,and England embarked on journeys to colonize the Americas. The Spanish settled primarily in Mexico and Peru, where they developed their economies through ___. One specific example of Spanish economic development is ____. The French settled mostly in ______ and ______. They focused their economy on _____. They were able to establish ____ which helped build ____ to maintain control over their territories. Finally the English settled along the _____. They developed economies based on the geographics of the area. For example, the Northern colonies relied on ______, whereas the Southern colonies developed _____. Overall, the late 1400s through the early 1600s marked a time of exploration and early settlement for European countries in the Americas and each country developed their economies in unique ways. Fill in the blanks
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